Thursday, 31 March 2011

Thursday 31 March 2011

Lode 10k this morning. Weather was cool, dull and windy. The ground was wet from overnight rain, but fortunately not too muddy. A slow time of 57'35". 2 Green Woodpeckers heard and a Great-Spotted Woodpecker was drumming hear the house at Anglesey Abbey. Chiffchaffs heard singing at the start of Anglesey Abbey woods and along the track leading to the railway line. 3 pairs of partridges seen. A pair of Reed Buntings were in the usual spot and about 5 Skylarks here in the fields. Another Skylark was seen in the field along the bridleway. At the end of the bridleway there was a flock of about 100 Fieldfares, they will probably use the strong SW wind today to head back up North. A Jay was seen just before Lode Mill and a pair at the Lodestar fields. 2 Roe Deer were in the field along Fen Road.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Now that BST has started I can run after work. Tonight I ran just under 10 miles to Oily Hall (NT). Weather was cool and a little drizzly. Time was 1 hour 28'37". Moorhens seen on Bottisham Lode. Skylarks and Meadow Pipits at Oily Hall.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Sunday 27 March 2011

Brandon Country Park blue cycle route with the extra loop at Mayday farm. Weather was dry, bright and quite warm. Lots of birds about today especially finches (Chaffinches, Bramblings and Redpoll). Chiffchaff heard. Green Woodpecker seen and heard.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Parkrun this morning. Weather was dry and just a little cool. A good time of 23'17" (my second best). Consistent kms at just around 4'40" each. Great Crested Grebes on the lake. 4 Chiffchaffs heard (2 seen) and a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Friday 25 March 2011

Little Wilbraham Fen again this morning, but a slightly different route. On reaching the Fen, I ran down the centre of the Fen to L. Wilbraham, then back past the windmill along the left hand path then crossed Engaynes Field again to the right hand side of the Fen. I ran down the track towards L. Wilbraham again and turned left just before the end to reach the Quy to Six Mile Bottom road. From here the route was back over the A14 and into Quy via Albert Road. Whether was cold but warm in the sun. The grass was little frost in places early on. Legs felt comfortable on the run, but some back ache. Time of 1 hour 15'25" for 8.5 miles.

2 Marsh Harriers over the reed beds, several Lapwings and a few Hares again. A Muntjac was seen in the same place as Wednesday. A Chiffchaff was heard singing here too. On the final lap a Green Woodpecker was heard. Heading back to the road there were 2 Skylarks and another 3 along Albert Road.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Been forced to take a break for a few days by a stinking cold! Ran a loop of Little Wilbraham Fen this morning. 7.5 miles in 1 hour 13'14". Weather was mild but cloudy. Great Spotted Woodpecker heard drumming by the Wheatsheaf pub in Quy. A Cormorant flew over. Muntjac along L. Wilbraham River, 5 Hares along the footpath leading back into the fen and a bit further on there was a Fox. Several Yellowhammers seen along the hedgerows bordering the footpath. 2 Moorhens were seen in a ditch just before the first farm. At the end of the fen, just before the boardwalk a Buzzard was sitting on top of a bush, but flew away as I approached. Otherwise lots of Pigeons, Corvids, Blackbirds and Chaffinches about.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Thursday 17 March 2011

The 5.5 mile Bottisham, Lode Mill route this morning. Weather was quite cold and misty with a steady light drizzle. Feeling tired this morning so a slow time of 52'19".

A Great-Spotted Woodpecker drumming loudly at Lode Mill. The bird was seen at the top of a poplar tree. Yellowhammer again at the bend in the bridleway.

2 Coots on Quy Water heading toward the pond and a Kingfisher flew across the pond to sit in an overhanging tree. Heron flew over Stow Road and over the park. A Song Thrush was on the grass in the park.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Lode 10k route today. Weather was cool and dry.

Green Woodpecker in horse paddock at start of Quy Water. A Great Spotted Woodpecker at the start of the Lodestar fields. A Grey Partridge was on the road along Fen Road and a Heron in the usual place. At least 3 (possibly 5) Reed Buntings along the ditch. 2 Skylarks and a Lapwing here too.

A group of about 20 Fieldfares seen along the bridleway. Yellowhammer at the bend in the bridleway.

Sunday 13 March 2011

This morning Joanna joined me for the 10.5 mile run to Swaffham Bulbeck and White Fen.

A Green Woodpecker was heard yaffling at Bottisham Park. A Buzzard flew over White Fen Drove. In the field along Fen Road a few Lapwing were defendingtheir terretories.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Friday 11 March 2011

Having found on Wednesday that the path along Quy Water is fairly dry, I reverted back to my summer route this morning. Along Quy Water to Lode Mill out to the end of White Fen Drove and then back via the Lodestar fields. Just under 8 miles in 1 hour 10'59". Weather was cool but bright. Quite windy though, with headwind coming back.

Great-Spotted Woodpecker drumming in Station Road, a Green Woodpecker seen just before the mill and another heard just before White Fen Drove. A Lapwing was displaying in the field just before Anglesey Abbey. A female Grey Wagtail was sitting on the fence at Lode Mill. 4-5 Roe Deer were in the field to the North of Fen Road. A Jay was seen along the grassy stretch of White Fen Drove.

Several gulls on the Lodestar fields including Lesser Black-Backed, Common and Black-Headed. 2 Skylarks were singing over the fields just passed Lodestar and about 6 Lapwings were displaying. Reed Bunting seen here too.

Just before the railway track there were several Yellowhammers.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

An 11 mile afternoon run to Swaffham Bulbeck and White Fen. Surprising the river bank was quite dry. Weather was warm and bright. Time was 1 hour 40'49".

Not many birds seen, but 5 Roe Deer in the field alongside White Fen and another ran across White Fen.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Bottisham and Lode again this morning. Cold and frosty, but bright and sunny. The frost meant that there was no mud this morning. A respectable time of 1 hour 4'45".

At the end of Bottisham Lode there were 2 Herons, A Green Woodpecker heard calling and a Lapwing and Stock Dove flying over. A Lesser Black-Backed Gull was seen over the Lodestar fields. Passed the fields were the usual Reed Bunting and a Skylark. Another 10-12 Lapwing flew over. 3 pairs of Partridges seen. A few Yellowhammers were seen and along the track leading to the old railway line there was a Jay.

Along the bridleway another group of about 10 Lapwings were in the field.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Thursday 3 March 2011

A slightly longer run to Bottisham and Lode this morning going passed Quy Church. Weather was cold but dry. The railway track and bridleway had dried out quite a bit since Tuesday.

A single Moorhen and a Heron seen along Bottisham Lode. 5 pairs of Partridges in the fields passed the Lodestar area and a Reed Bunting and 3 Skylarks.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Tuesday 1 March 2011

7.5 mile route to Bottisham, Lode as far as the start of White Fen Drove. Back via Lode Mill and the railway line. Weather was mild and dry. Time was 1 hour 6'21".

Along Bottisham Lode there were 5 Moorhens, 2 Green Woodpeckers, a Heron and 2 pairs of Mallards (one of which had a domestic white drake). A Yellowhammer was heard in the bushes opposite the lode and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was drumming in the bushes opposite the cottages.

Song Thrushes and Wrens heard singing again this morning.