Friday, 30 September 2011

Friday 30 September 2011

Lode 10k this morning. Weather was dry, cool and misty - more so in Quy than Lode. An easy run this morning in 52'51".

A Heron flew up from Quy Water at the horse fields. A Little further on the Swan family were feeding. Another pair of Swans were just past the back entrance to Anglesey Abbey. Another double figure count of Moorhens on Quy Water this morning with 12 seen. At the edge of woods at Anglesey Abbey there were 2 white hen Pheasants.

At the start of Mill Road a lot of House Sparrows were heard calling on both sides of the road. A Jay was seen along the old railway line and 2 Cormorants flew over. A Green Woodpecker was heard along the bridleway.

About half a dozen House Martins were feeding over Vicarage Meadow.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Tuesday 27 September 2011

8 mile run to Horningsea this morning. Weather was dry and started fairly bright with a slight mist, but got a lot more misty by the halfway point. It was fairly cool too and the grass was dewy.

A Green Woodpecker was seen where the bridleway crosses the old railway line. A Jay was seen along the track to Allicky Farm. A Kestrel was seen flying past at Snout Corner. 4 Roe Deer could just about be seen in the mist at Honey Hill and 8 Goldfinches were in the bushes at the start of the ramp over the A14.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Sunday 25 September 2011 - Bourn to Run 10k

A great 10k run this morning. Weather was dry, bright and fairly warm. There was also a fairly strong breeze (head-wind coming back!)

I made a good time of 47'05", a new PB for 10k. The first part of the course was a fast downhill through Bourn and my time was 4'11". The next 4k were generally uphill so a bit slower. Somehow I missed the 5K marker so didn't get a split time for the halfway point, but it was probably just over 23 minutes.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Friday 23 September 2011

An 8 mile run to Horningsea this morning. Weather was dry and fairly bright after the sun had come up. Noticeably darker at the start now that the days are getting shorter. A very good time with a PB of 1 hour 5'27".

Not a lot of interesting birds around this morning. A Wren flew across the track right in front f me towards Honey Hill and the flock of Goldfinches were in the usual place at the bottom of the bridge over the A14. Otherwise plenty of Woodpigeons, Corvids and Gulls.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Lode 10k route again this morning. Weather was dry and fairly bright. The ground was wet though due to overnight rain. A slower time today of 53'44".

2 Buzzards seen along Quy Water. One over the horse field at the start of the footpath heading towards to Quy Hall and a second one flew into the trees at the start of Angelsey Abbey. There were 2 Kingfishers here too.

A total of 16 Moorhens counted along Quy Water. A Grey Wagtail was seen at Lode Mill, initially flying up onto the roof and then down into the pond after the mill.

A group of around 15 Partridges again seen just after the sugar beet fields.

Several Finches and Tits seen along the track leading to Quy Fen.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Sunday 18 September 2011

A tiring Lode 10k this morning. Weather was dry, bright and warm. The ground was wet in places though due to overnight rain. Not a bad time of 50'50".

A Kingfisher flew along Quy Water in the direction of Station Road pond. There was also a Heron here and 4 Moorhens. A few Swallows and House Martins around.

4 Roe Deer were in a field along Fen Road.

In Station Road on the way back a Barn Owl was seen perched on a barn door.

Saturday 17 September 2011

A tiring run at the Cambridge Parkrun this morning. Not a PB, but my second best time of 22'08".

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Thursday 15 September 2011

A good run along the Lode 10k route this morning. Weather was dry and bright but cold. At least the wind has died down now. I managed to knock over a minute off my PB for the route with a time of 49'40". For the last mile and three quarters I quickened my pace to my 5k race speed.

Along Quy Water there were a few Mallards, the Swan family and 11 Moorhens (5 juveniles). At the horse fields at the start of Quy Water there were 2 Green Woodpeckers. Just before Anglesey Abbey woods a Kestrel flew over and a Bullfinch flew into the woods. 2 Squirrels seen in the woods too. A little further on a Heron took off from the water and another Green Woodpecker was seen just before Lode Mill.

Another Heron was standing alongside a ditch near the track to the Lodestar fields. Through the poplar trees along the track I heard another Green Woodpecker and a Jay.

2 Skylarks were seen over the sugar beet fields and along the track at the end about 15 Partridges flew up. 2 more Squirrels were along the old railway line. In Station Road there were a few House Martins and a Swallow. 4 more House Martins at Vicarage Meadow.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Tuesday 13 September 2011

An 8 mile run to Horningsea this morning. Weather was dry and bright but very windy. At the start it was quite cold in the wind, however towards the end of the run it was quite warm. A good time today of 1 hour 5'51".

3 Swallows seen at Allicky farm and a few more hirundines high over Horningsea. There were a lot of Partridges around today in various places.

At Honey Hill a group of 6 Buzzards flew out together from the bushes and just around the corner another was on the track, which flew off to join the others. At the start of the bridge over the A14 there was a flock of around 30-40 Goldfinches.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Sunday 11 September 2011

A 12 mile run this morning to Swaffham Prior. Weather was dry and warm but very windy. A good time of 1 hour 39'40".

Several House Martins over Vicarage Meadow and a lot in Main Street, including around 25 on telephone wires. 2 Green Woodpeckers in Swaffham Bulbeck. A Kestrel was seen as I entered Swaffham Prior and another as I left the village near the football ground on Station Road.

A Corn Bunting was perched on telephone wires along the road to Upware. Another Green Woodpecker was seen along the track to the Lodestar fields. 1 or 2 Swallows seen too.

Saturday 10 September 2011

A good Parkrun this morning. A new PB of 21'51".

A pair of Mute Swans with 3 juveniles on Deep Pit.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Friday 9 September 2011

Lode 10k route this morning. Weather was overcast and not as windy as Wednesday. Time was not too bad at 53'31".

A Grey Heron and half of the Swan family (1 adult and 4 juveniles) were on Quy Water. Only a few House Martins seen over Station Road, have most of them left now?

There were plenty of Moorhens around though, with 2 at the pond, 13 on Quy Water, 1 at Lode Mill and another in a field off Fen Road. Several of the Moorhens were juveniles. 4 Green Woodpeckers seen/heard too - 1 heard at Anglesey Abbey, 2 feeding on the grass towards Quy Fen and another seen at the start of the bridleway.

There were about 6 Reed Buntings between the sugar beet fields. A flock of about 20 House Sparrows in Station Road.

Also 4 Grey Squirrels were seen. 2 at Anglesey Abbey and 2 on the old railway line.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Wednesday 7 September

An 8 mile run this morning to the end of White Fen Drove. Weather was dry but cool with a strong South-Westerly wind. My time was a reasonable 1 hour 7'30".

A few House Martins and Swallows around. The Swan family were on Quy Water as well as 6 Moorhens, including 1 juvenile. 2 Jays flew across the track just before Lode Mill. A Kestrel was seen at the Jack of Clubs and another at the Crane farm.

Along the track to the Lodestar fields a Jay was heard and a Green Woodpecker seen. There were 4 Reed Buntings in the ditch between the sugar beet fields.

It was a very good morning for mammals. A Muntjac was seen in the woods at Anglesey Abbey. A total of 8 Roe Deer - 5 in a field to the North of Fen Road and another 3 in the field just before White Fen. Here at the the end of the track there were 2 Hares. On the way back down White Fen Drove a Stoat came out of the undergrowth and promptly ran back in again when it saw me. And of course there were the usual dozens of Rabbits.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Sunday 4 September 2011

8 mile run this morning to the end of White Fen Drove. Weather was dry and warmish. The run was fairly slow at 1 hour 8'34".

A Kingfisher flew along Quy Water and the Swan family were seen here too. On the way back down White Fen Drove a Ring-Necked Parakeet flew noisily across the road from the Crane farm towards Lode. This is the first time I've seen one of these colourful "aliens" outside of London.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Cambridge Parkrun this morning. Weather was dry and cool. Feeling tired after long run on Friday morning, so only managed a time of 22'34".

Some Coots and a pair of Swans with 2 large Cygnets on the lake by the visitor centre.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

A 10.5 mile run today to Clayhithe and along the River Cam to Baits Bite Lock. Weather was dry but rather cool. Time was 1 hour 32'14".

There were a lot of House Martins feeding high above Vicarage Meadow and a few in Station Road. A Green Woodpecker was heard along the track to Allicky Farm.

Along the 2 mile stretch of the River Cam there were 19 Moorhens, of which 6 were juveniles. I also saw a Cormorant perched in the top of a dead tree. Just after Horningsea I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker walking along a tree branch and a Grey Heron standing on the tow-path just before Baits Bite Lock. A Mute Swan was on the Cam at the lock.

Just after crossing the river a single Goldfinch was seen and at the bridge over the A14 another flock of 14. A Green Woodpecker here too.