I decided to start running the Lode 10k route again this morning, now that it's light well before 7. Weather was fairly mild. The course was a bit muddy in places, especially along Quy Water through the woods at Anglesey Abbey. My time was reasonable for the time of year, although well down on my PB, at 54'12".
A Green Woodpecker was heard at the horse field. The Swan family were on Quy Water. Just before Anglesey Abbey I saw a Heron and another one along Bottisham Lode. A Jay was seen at Lode Mill and another along the old railway line.
5 Moorhens were seen along Quy Water up to the Mill and another 3 along Bottisham Lode. A Wren was heard singing along Quy Water. A Great-Spotted Woodpecker was heard drumming in a house garden in Lode. A Song Thrush was singing in the trees opposite the cottages on Fen Road. A pair of Kestrels were seen near the Jack of Clubs farm.
A Buzzard was flying over the Lodestar fields and a Reed Bunting was in the usual ditch between the 2 fields. 3-4 Skylarks were seen here and another 5-6 along the old railway line and bridleway. One of the Skylarks was singing high above the field clearly displaying.
A Long-tailed tit, a few Yellowhammers and Goldfinches (Station Road) were also part of an impressive bird list today.