Friday, 31 May 2013

Friday 31 May 2013

It's been 10 days since my last run, so I really need to get back into the habit.

A 10k run to Lode today.  The weather was cool for May and a bit misty.  The course was rather muddy in places due to the recent rain.

A Grey Wagtail was seen at the pond in Quy.  A Heron and the Swan family with 5 cygnets were along Quy Water.

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen flying along Fen Road.  Otherwise several Whitethroats seen/heard and a few House Martins, Swifts and Swallows.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Tuesday 21 May 2013

A morning run along my usual Lode 10k route.  The weather was cool but dry.  There was no dew so the section with long grass was dry underfoot.

The pair of Swans were seen on Quy Water with at least 6 small cygnets.  A hare was seen at the end of the bridleway.  A few House Martins and a couple of Swallows about.  Otherwise nothing of note to report.

Wimpole 10k Hoohaah

A rather warm morning for this 10k run.  The ground underfoot was pretty dry, with just a few avoidable puddles.  With some steep hills the temperature soon tired me out.  I achieved a reasonable time of 49:51.

A Chiffchaff was heard in the woods.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Thursday 16 May 2013

A good run along the Lode 10k route.  The grass is getting quite long on stretch along the ditch after the Lodestar fields and was very wet with the dew this morning.  Weather was bright and fairly warm.

A few House Martins were seen in Vicarage Meadow, Station Road and in Lode.  A few Whitethroats and Skylarks heard.  A pair of Grey Partridges were in the field at the end of the bridleway.  A Kingfisher flew across the pond in Station Road on the way back and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen a bit further on.

As I got home 2 Little Egrets flew over.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Back after a couple of weeks of no running, although I did a fair amount of walking last week in Poland.

A short 7km run this morning to Lode Mill.  The conditions were good and the ground was pretty dry.

A Barn Owl flew across Station Road as I returned.